Gesa Dröge: Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski (ITK) – Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson (DBVs)


Research - Ph.D. Erlendur Haraldsson (english version)

English version  
Íslensk útgáfa 

Dr Erlendur Haraldsson
Professor emeritus 
Psychology Department 
University of Iceland.
Oddi v/Sturlugötu

101 Reykjavík, Iceland



Erlendur Haraldsson

Upcoming lectures

Latest publications

List of publications

Research areas and interests - with some online articles

Kurds and Kurdistan

Upcoming lectures
Latest publications

Interesting links:

I am indebted to the following foundations and institutions for research grants and support:

Courses that I have given at the Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Iceland

  • Experimental Psychology
  • Psychological Testing
  • Methodology I
  • Methodology II
  • Parapsychology (optional)
  • Altered states of consciousness (optional)
Positions held:
Assistant Professor, 1st of May 1973
Associate Professor 1st of July 1978
Professor 1st of April 1989
Professor Emeritus 1st of February 1999.
Guest Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1982-1983.
Research Professor at the Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene in Freiburg 1993-1995.
Adjunct Research Faculty Member, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, California

Brief curriculum vitae

Service on committees at the University of Iceland Chairman of the Promotion Committee of the Faculty of Social Science, 1986 to 1992.
Member of the grant-giving Research Fund from1985 to 1991.
Member of the committee responsible for establishing Counseling Service at the University of Iceland.

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Books by Erlendur

Books by Erlendur


Books by Erlendur - Facebook


Dr Erlendur Haraldsson
Professor emeritus

*3.11.1931  †22.11.2020


Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson

English Version  -  Íslensk útgáfa





Raksha Mask, Souvenir from Sri Lanka – Erlendur Haraldsson



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Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski  Nachruf ITK-Buch  

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E. S. Gedichte und Sprüche 

Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson Erlendur Haraldsson Nachruf 

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Books by Erlendur Haraldsson





Website 2010-2013

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