Gesa Dröge: Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski (ITK) – Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson (DBVs)


Ritstjórn og ritrýni (Editorship and Referee)

Í ritstjórn:

European Journal of Parapsychology 1975-85.
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 1991-

Zeitschrift für Anomalistik 1999-

Ritrýni fyrir eftirfarandi tímarit:

European Journal of Parapsychology
European Journal of Personality
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
Journal of Contemporary Religion
Journal of Mind and Behavior
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Journal of Parapsychology
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Journal of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
Personality and Individual Differences
Psychological Reports

Formaður ritnefndar um útgáfu á verkum Ólafs Elimundarsonar sagnfræðings að honum látnum:

Ólafur Elimundarson: Jökla hin nýja II. Úr sögu Breiðavíkurhrepps og Neshrepps utan Ennis - 
Undir bláum sólarsali, fyrra bindi. Háskólaútgáfan, 2003.

Ólafur Elimundarson: Jökla hin nýja II. Úr sögu Breiðavíkurhrepps og Neshrepps utan Ennis - Undir bláum sólarsali, síðara bindi. Háskólaútgáfan, 2004.

Books by Erlendur


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Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson 
Professor emeritus 

*3.11.1931     †22.11.2020


English Version  -  Íslensk útgáfa






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Books by Erlendur Haraldsson






Website 2010-2013

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