Gesa Dröge: Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski (ITK) – Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson (DBVs)


Með uppreisnarmönnum í Kúrdistan. 1964
Land im Aufstand - Kurdistan. 1966



Erlendur Haraldsson - Mustafa Barzani - Kurdistan 1964



Með uppreisnarmönnum í gegnum brennd þorp
- Erlendur Haraldsson -

Með uppreisnarmönnum í gegnum brennd þorp   ->english



Interview (Rudaw) – Kurdistan (June 2017)

Meet the Icelandic journalist who took iconic photo of Kurdish leader

Erlendur Haraldsson

Meet the Icelandic journalist who took iconic photo of Kurdish leader



Kúrdistan 2017
Erlendur Haraldsson

Below some Kurds I met on my visit to Kurdistan last May (2017).
Upper left Hoshyar Zebari former foreign minister of Irak, upper right Falah Mustafa Bakir Minister of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Kurdish Regional Government.
Lower left is General Sirvan Barzani of the Peshmerga forces near Mosul showing me a tank he and his men captured from ISIS. Lower right, Shaha Amin a prominent broadcaster with Rudaw (K24), the main TV station in Iraqi Kurdistan. Sitting beside him is Taha Barvari, formerly kurdish represenative in the Nordic country and now the right-hand man of Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani.

Unter einigen Kurden traf ich meinen Besuch in Kurdistan im letzten Mai (2017).
Oben links Hoshyar Zebari ehemaliger Außenminister von Irak, rechts oben Falah Mustafa Bakir Minister der Abteilung für Auslandsbeziehungen der Kurdischen Regionalregierung.
Links unten ist General Sirvan Barzani der Peshmerga-Truppen in der Nähe von Mosul, der mir einen Panzer zeigt, den er und seine Männer vom ISI gefangen genommen haben. Unten rechts, Shaha Amin, ein bekannter Sender mit Rudaw (K24), dem Hauptfernsehsender im irakischen Kurdistan. Neben ihm sitzt Taha Barvari, ehemalige kurdische Repräsentantin im nordischen Land und jetzt der rechte Mann von Premierminister Nechirvan Barzani.

States like the USA have emphasized the importance of the territorial integrity of Irak which the British founded after WWI by uniting the three administrative units (vilayets) of the Ottoman empire, name the areas where Kurds live (Kurdistan), the Arab sunnis and the Arab shijas. This unfortunate decision has lead to many internal wars and frictions, and does now once more. There was no state of Irak until the British made this unfortunate decision, and united the three parts. As the results in the Kurdish referendum make clear Irak should be divided now into at least two states, Kurdistan and the Arab Irak. Two nations live within the border of Irak, the Kurds on the north and Arabs in the center and south. These nations speak absolutely unrelated languages, one is indoeuropean, the other is semitic and have different cultures and traditions.

Staaten wie die USA haben die Bedeutung der territorialen Integrität von Irak, die die Briten nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg gründeten, durch die Vereinigung der drei Verwaltungseinheiten (Osmanen) des Osmanischen Reiches hervorgehoben, die Gebiete, in denen die Kurden leben (Kurdistan), die arabischen Sunniten und die Araber Shijas. Diese unglückliche Entscheidung hat zu vielen internen Kriegen und Reibereien geführt und tut dies jetzt wieder. Es gab keinen Staat von Irak, bis die Briten diese unglückliche Entscheidung trafen und die drei Teile vereinigten. Wie die Ergebnisse des kurdischen Referendums deutlich machen, sollte Irak jetzt in mindestens zwei Staaten, Kurdistan und das arabische Irak, aufgeteilt werden. Zwei Nationen leben innerhalb der Grenze des Irak, der Kurden im Norden und Araber im Zentrum und Süden. Diese Nationen sprechen absolut unabhängige Sprachen, einer ist indoeuropäisch, der andere ist semitisch und hat verschiedene Kulturen und Traditionen.

19. October 2017

No matter how badly treated the Kurds are, no response from the international community, apart from some feeble words from US and Germany that the parties should attempt to lower tensions. The Bagdad uses brutal military force against them with tanks and heavy equipment given to Bagdad to fight the ISIS and some help and backing from Iran. Bagdad has closed down the airspace over Iraqi Kurdistan so that several European airlines who had regular flights to Erbil and Sulimania in Kurdistan were stopped flying there. All of this because the Kurd conducted a democratic referendum (only a referendum!) if the population wanted to separate from Irak and found an independent state. It was then as if "hell broke loose", one punitive action followed another, and now a military invasion.


A letter to a Kurdistani patriot
By Gary Kent 10 hours ago

Many books will be written about the events since the referendum was announced in June and time is needed to gain perspective. I hear this and that as rumours, half-truths, lies and facts are amplified on Twitter with little chance of immediately assessing their credibility. I am two thousand miles away and don't want to add any fuel to the fires burning in many hearts.

But here are some initial thoughts about the new geopolitical position. The West's dogmatic defence of its One Iraq policy is becoming more of a One Iran policy and is continuing to define the constitution of Iraq on terms set by Baghdad which is clearly under the considerable influence of Iran.

Three weeks ago, I was with Najmaldin Karim, his family and friends from various countries in the governor's house in Kirkuk. I know that he was rescued from there a few days back and that Shia militia leaders are now in his office with a picture of Ayatollah Khamenei on the wall. I know that Qassem Soleimani has worked his malignant magic to score a great victory for hardliners in Iran. These things cannot be sugar-coated.

Western weaknesses of doctrine and action have humbled the Kurds, but their own fractures, divisions and miscalculations have also been skilfully exploited and will take a considerable time to overcome. Having said that, I will always remember the enthusiasm and exuberance of those I saw voting in the referendum in Erbil, Kirkuk, and Sulaimani. The resounding yes vote can never be invalidated in reality.

Iran may be the victor for now but my best guess is that Russia will also be a major beneficiary of the terrible humiliation of the Kurds who could abandon hopes of help from the West and settle for a new relationship with Russia that helps Kurdistan to have its rights within Iraq and protect its borders.

The Kurds remain a decent people who had done so much to overcome the legacies of discrimination, Arabisation, and genocide, and can and should be commended for many achievements that show their democratic values, generosity of spirit, and much more.

But they have made insufficient progress in coherent government and building an economy where oil is a just one servant in a more productive and diversified economy. Apart from refusing to fall out, the priority, I politely suggest, is concerted state-building of Kurdistan within Iraq as is allowed in the constitution.

Let me illustrate this with how we are coping with a major change in our country. Following the referendum on Brexit, decisions now taken by a deeply divided Cabinet will haunt us or help us for many decades to come. Personally, I voted to remain in the European Union but fully understand that leaving and constructing a new relationship could be the remaking of our country. It has to be and we can at least see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Kurds currently cannot see a tunnel let alone a light at the end and many of you feel you have returned to the position of having no friends but the mountains despite all the warm words uttered and also the concrete assistance given to an ally that helped us all by defeating Daesh [ISIS]. I can certainly understand why Kurds are furious about this. Let your friends make this point as forcefully as they can and continue to help you to recover and renew your society.

I know it will stick in the craw to see Iranian sponsored thugs taunting you, disrespecting your flag, and banning your language in what is technically a bi-national country with two official languages. You see friends being unwilling or incapable of doing more. You fear the loss of prosperity and easy contact with the outside world. Some of you will want to leave while others will return home to put their shoulder to the wheel.

I can only say that it is a privilege to be your friend and to have seen your country develop so well in over a decade of frequent visits. I am of little importance in the bigger geopolitical scheme of things but you do have friends and they are deeply saddened and concerned. Please take some time to heal your wounds, mourn your martyrs, rebuild your morale, and unite to make your country work. Please help your friends to help you to help the world which is a better place with a united Kurdish people.

Gary Kent

Gary Kent is the Secretary of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG). He writes this column for Rudaw in a personal capacity. The address for the all-party group is appgkurdistan@gmail.com.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rudaw.

16. October

Arabar í Írak hafa ráðist inn í Kúrdistan við Kirkuk með skriðdrekum og þungavopnum, þótt Abadi æðsti ráðamaður stjórnarinnar í Bagdad tilkynnti fyrir nokkrum dögum að þeir myndu ekki ráðast inn í Kúrdistan.
25. September héldu Kúrdar þjóðaratkvæðagreiðslu um það hvort Kúrdar vildu slíta sambandi við Írak og stofna eigið ríki. Það var samþykkt með 92,7% atkvæða, nær sama fjölda og þegar við Íslendingar kusum um slit við Dani og stofnum lýðveldis.
Eftir þessa atkvæðagreiðslu ætlaði allt “vitlaus að verða”, ekki bara í Írak heldur líka í Tyrklandi og Íran. Fram komu háværar ógnanir við Írakskúrda sem hafa stjórnað sér sjálfir síðan Bandaríkjamenn steyptu Saddam Hussein af stóli.
Bandaríkjamenn hafa sent írakska hernum mikið af skriðdrekum og þungavopnum til að herja á ISIS men í Sýrlandi og Írak. Nú eru þessi vopn notuð til innrásar í hin kúrdísku Kirkuk héruð. Kirkuk og héruðin umhverfis eru rík af olíu og hafa verið byggð Kúrdum frá fornu fari.
Saddam Sussein rak mikið af Kúrdum á brott frá Kirkukog flutti inn Araba, en eftir fall hans fluttu Kúrdar aftur til svæða sinna. Það er sæknin eftir ólíulindunum sem veldur ágirnd hinnar arabísku Bagdadstjórnar á Kirkuk.
Ömurlegt að vita hvernig ráðamenn í Bagdad þvinga fram vilja sinn með hervaldi, og hvernir áfram er barið á Kúrdum. Hluti af innrásarliðinu eru sveitir shíta sem klerkastjórnin í Íran stendur á bak við.

Erlendur Haraldsson, October 2017


Kúrdistan í Írak á tímamótum Morgunblaðið 27. Mai 2017

Nytt ríkí í austurlöndum nær? Morgunblaðið 16. Júni 2017



In der Welt der Parapsychologie und psychischen Forschung kann man sich an Erlendur Haraldsson als einen der großen Forscher erinnern, insbesondere in der Feldforschung.

In einer Karriere, die sich über mehr als sechs Jahrzehnte erstreckt, arbeitete Haraldsson mit früheren Koryphäen wie JB Rhine, einem der Begründer der Parapsychologie, und Ian Stevenson, dessen Arbeit mit Kindern, die Erfahrungen aus früheren Leben beanspruchen, einen Großteil der heutigen Reinkarnationsforschung hervorgebracht hat.
In the world of parapsychology and psychical research Erlendur Haraldsson may well be remembered as one of the great investigators, particularly in field research. 
In a career spanning more than six decades Haraldsson worked with past luminaries such as J. B. Rhine, one of the founders of parapsychology and Ian Stevenson, whose work with children claiming past life experiences, has spawned much of the today’s reincarnation research. 

Über den Autor

Erlendur Haraldsson (3. November 1931 – 22. November 2020) war emeritierter Professor für Psychologie an der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Island. Obwohl er sich von seinem früheren Posten an der Universität von Island zurückgezogen hatte, war er bis zu seinem Tod weiterhin ein aktiver Akademiker.

Er veröffentlichte Arbeiten in verschiedenen psychologischen und parapsychologischen Zeitschriften und arbeitete mit Ian Stevenson an der Reinkarnationsforschung und Karlis Osis an Sterbebettvisionen.

Neben Forschungsaufenthalten in Island arbeitete Haraldsson in den USA und am Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health in Freiburg, Deutschland. Während seines Aufenthalts in den Vereinigten Staaten arbeitete er mit JB Rhine zusammen.
Er hat neun Bücher geschrieben. Sechs  sind auf Englisch erschienen, einige in weiteren Sprachen.

About the author

Erlendur Haraldsson (November 3, 1931 – November 22, 2020) was a professor emeritus of psychology at the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Iceland. Despite having retired from his former post at the University of Iceland, he continued to be an active academic until his death. 

He published works in various psychological and parapsychological journals and worked with Ian Stevenson on reincarnation research and Karlis Osis on deathbed visions. 
As well as doing research in Iceland, Haraldsson worked in the United States and at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health in Freiburg, Germany. While in the United States, he worked with J. B. Rhine.
He has written nine books. Six have appeared in English, some in other languages.

I saw a Light and Came Here. Children's Experiences of Reincarnation 2017  

Indridi Indridason. The Icelandic Physical Medium
 (mit Loftur R. Gissurarson) 2015; isl. 2019     

The Departed Among the Living
 2012 (isl., 2005)

Modern Miracles. Sathya Sai Baba. The Story of a Modern Prophet

At the Hour of Death (Karlis Osis war Hauptautor) 1977/2012; übersetzt in 14 Sprachen
Der Tod - Ein neuer Anfang? Visionen am Sterbebett und Erfahrungen an der Schwelle des Seins deutschsprachige Neuauflage. 2018

Towards the Unknown. Memoir of a Psychical Researcher 2021
Á vit hins ókunna. Endurminningar Erlendar Haraldssonar Biographie, isländisch 2012

Þessa heims og annars. 
Könnun á dulrænni reynslu Íslendinga, trúaarviðhorfum og þjóðtrú
 isl., 1978
About this world and the other. 
Survey about psychic experiences of Icelanders, their religousviews and folkbelifs

Með uppreisnarmönnum Kurdistan isl., 1964
Land im Aufstand. Kurdistan deutsprachige Ausgabe. 1966

Erlendur Haraldsson hat über 70 Artikel in Fachzeitschriften und zahlreiche Kapitel in herausgegebenen Büchern veröffentlicht. Erlendur studierte Philosophie und Psychologie an den Universitäten Edinburgh, München und Freiburg und promovierte 1972 bei Hans Bender an der Universität Freiburg. Er verbrachte ein Jahr am Institut für Parapsychologie in Durham bei JB Rhine und ein weiteres am Department of Psychiatrie an der University of Virginia mit Ian Stevenson. 1974 wechselte er an das Institut für Psychologie der Universität von Island. Er war Gastprofessor an der University of Virginia und am Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie in Freiburg. Erlendur Haraldsson war während seiner gesamten Karriere ein aktiver Forscher und hielt bis 2019 weltweit Vorträge. Seine Forschungen und Veröffentlichungen haben eine breite Palette religiöser und psychologischer Themen abgedeckt, darunter Medien, Reinkarnation und Sterbebettphänomene. Weitere Details über sein Leben erschien in einer auf Isländisch veröffentlichten Autobiographie; englischsprachige Ausgabe: Towards the Unknown (März 2021). 
Am 22.11.2020 verstarb Erlendur in Reykjavík. Grabstelle: Strandarkirkja, Selvogur, Island.
Books by Erlendur Haraldsson   Nachruf und Biographisches 

Chronological bibliography  

Books by Erlendur


Books by Erlendur - Facebook


Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson 
Professor emeritus 

*3.11.1931     †22.11.2020


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