Gesa Dröge: Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski (ITK) – Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson (DBVs)


Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations

Kynni mín af miðlinum Hafsteini Björnssyni. Sálarrannsóknafélag Hafnarfjarðar. 10. janúar 2019.

Deathbed Visions and other End of Life Experiences. IMI, Paris. 26. October 2018.

Die Wunder im Neuen Testament. Gibt es Ähnliches aus späteren Jahrhunderten? Wien. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaften. 23. Oktober 2018.

Visionen am Sterbebett und andere Erlebnisse am Lebensende. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaften, Neue Institutsgebäude der Universität Wien ('NIG'). 22. Oktober 2018.

Visionen am Sterbebett und andere Erlebnisse am Lebensende. IGPP, Freiburg. 17. Oktober 2018. ('Der Tod – Ein neuer Anfang?' Neuauflage mit zwei neuen Kapiteln, Januar 2018, Osiris Verlag).

Die Wunder im Neuen Testament. Gibt es Ähnliches aus späteren Jahrhunderten? WGFP Tagung in Offenburg. 12.-14. Oktober 2018.

Deathbed Visions and other End of Life Experiences. Dansk Selskab for Psykisk Forskning. Copenhagen. 10. October 2018. At 19:00 hours.

42nd Annual SPR International Conference. Newcastle City Centre. Friday 21 Sept 2 pm to Sunday 23rd.

The Fantastic and (Almost?) Unbelievable in Reputable Sources. 21. - 23.  September 2018.

Childrens Past-Life Experiences. Afterlife Research Conference, Scottsdale Arizona. ONLY ON SKYPE. 17.-18. September 2018.

Der Tod – Ein neuer Anfang? VTF Jahrestagung, Fulda, Germany. 1.-3. Juni 2018.

('Der Tod – Ein neuer Anfang?' Neuauflage mit zwei neuen Kapiteln, siehe auch Vorträge 17. und 22. Oktober).

Departed among the Living. University of Northampton, Department of Psychology. 23. March 2018

Children´s Experiences of Past Reincarnation. University of Northampton, Department of Psychology. 22. March 2018.

Lecture at the Workshop 'Reincarnation and Personal Identity in the Middle East'. Organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Wien, 30.11. and 1.12. 2017.

'Physikalischer Mediumismus' Vergleich zwischen den großen physikalischen Medien, und zwar dem Isländer Indridi Indridason, dem Schotten Home, der Italienerin Palladino, dem Polen Kluski, dem Dänen Einer Nielsen und den Brüdern Schneider.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaften, Neue Institutsgebäude der Universität Wien ('NIG'), 1010 Wien, Universitätsstraße 7, Parterre, Hörsaal II. 27.11.2017.

Wiedergeburt – gibt es empirische Argumente dafür? Regentreff, Regen bei Regensburg, 25.11.2017.

Reincarnation – Any evidence for it? Institut Métapsychique International, 51 rue de l'Aqueduc, Paris, 24.11.2017.

I saw a light and came here – Children experiences of reincarnation. Gwen Tate Memorial Lecture 7 pm to 9 pm. Society for Psychical Research, 1 Vernon Mews, London, W14 0RL. 23.11.2017.

What the surveys show about our belief in reincarnation and life after death. Any evidence to support such beliefs? University of Derby. 4 pm. 22.11.2017.

Reincarnation – Any evidence for it? Goldsmith College. London, 21.11.2017.
Blavatsky, the Roerichs and Reincarnation. What Since? Association for the Study of Esoteric Movements. Russian State University for The Humanities. 9th ASEM Conference. Moscow 9. – 11.11.2017.

Wiedergeburt – Gibt es emprische Argumente dafür? Verein für Transkommunikations-Forschung. Parkhotel Kolpinghaus. Fulda 17. 6. 2017.

Der Tod - ein neuer Anfang, Visionen end Erfahrungen an der Schwelle des Seins, Hospizverein in Lüneburg. DOMICIL, 21339 Lüneburg, Stresemannstraße 17; 19:00 Uhr. 15. 6. 2017.

I saw a light. Children´s experiences of past lives. Dansk psykisk selskab. Copenhagen 13. 6. 2017.

Children´s experiences of past lives.  Norsk teosofisk samfund, Oslo. Sunday 17:00. 11. 6. 2017.

Do we survive death? Norsk Parapsykologisk Selskab. 100 years Jubileum. Oslo. 8-11.6. 2017.

Evidence for life after death? Findings from empirical research. Tallinn 19. 10. 2016.

Reincarnation – any evidence for it? Estonian Society for Psychical Research. Tallinn, 18. 10. 2016.

The Miracles in the New Testament.  Anything comparable in modern times? Cases among Catholic saints, mediums and Indian miracle-men. Dansk Selskab for Psykisk Forskning, Copenhagen. 12. 10. 2016.

Ein Vergleich der großen physikalischen Medien: Indridi, Home, Palladino, Kluski, Nielsen und Rudi Schneider. Workshop der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie, Offenburg, 7.- 9. 10. 2016.

Physical mediumship; How did the phenomena differ among the great physical mediums? 40th SPR International Annual Conference - University of Leeds: September 2.- 4. 9. 2016.

Folklore-related supernatural beliefs and experiences. Mysteries of the North in Iceland. Hellnum Iceland, 25.-29. 8. 2016.

The medium Hafsteinn Björnsson. Dansk Selskab for Psykisk Forskning, Copenhagen. 13. 4. 2016.

Reincarnation and belief in life after death. National and denominational differences. Eighth International Conference. Mystic and Esoteric Movements. Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities. St. Petersburg, 24.-26. 3. 2016.

The conflict between religion and science and merging spiritualism. The case of Indridi Indridason, Northampton University, 11. 3. 2016.

Arguments and evidence for and against life after death. Goldsmith College, London. 8. 3. 2016.

19th Century Spiritualism: the case of Indridi Indridason, Christ Church University. 5. 3. 2016.

Indridi Indridason. The great physical medium. Scottish Society for Psychial Research, Glasgow. 3. 3. 2016.

Indridi Indridason. The great physical medium. Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, Edinburgh. 1. 3. 2016.

Űber Grenzphänomene und Grenzerfahrungen. Zum 80. Geburtstag von Armin  Albano-Müller. Schwelm, 28. 11. 2015.

Sálarrannsóknafélag Skagafjarðar, Sauðárkróki, Indriði Indriðason,  fyrsti íslenski miðillinn. 17. 11. 2015.

Direct Voices And Levitations Of The Medium Indridi Indridason. Institut Metapsychique International, Paris, 30. 10. 2015.

Reincarnation – Any evidence of it? Conference; Here and hereafter. Vilnius University. Panel on reincarnation. 24. 10. 2015.

Methods in studying the physical mediumship of Indridi Indridason, quantitative analyses of his phenomena and how they differ from those of D.D. Home and Rudi Schneider. Joint PA and SPR conference at Greenwich University, 16.-19. 7. 2015.

Argumente for og imod et liv efter döden. Selskabet for Psykisk Forskning. Copenhagen 23. 4. 2015.

Indriði Indriðason, fyrsti íslenski miðillinn. Sálarrannsóknafélag Akureyrar.  9. 4. 2015.

Kraftaverk Biblíunnar. Hefur nokkuð svipað gerst á síðustu öldum? Safnaðarheimili Glerárkirkju, Akureyri. 8. 4.2015.

The miracles in the New Testament. Anything comparable in modern times? The case of some Catholic saints, mediums and Sathya Sai Baba. Scientific & Medical Network, London. 2. 3. 2015.

Contacts with the Departed. A study of encounters with those who have died. Gwen Tate Lecture. The College of Psychic Studies, Kensington, London. 3. 3. 2015.

Fires in Copenhagen and Stockholm. Remote Descriptions by Indridi Indridason and Emanuel Swedenborg. Department of Psychology, University of Northampton. 6. 3. 2015.

Experiences of those who have departed. Research on reports of encounters with the deceased.  (See also Jung‘s Erinnerungen;  ber das Leben nach dem Tode). The quest of the soul: Jung and the beyond.

Conference of the Interdisciplinary Society of Analytical Psychology (IVAP, C.G. Jung); Antropia, Driebergen, 15. 11. 2014.

Studies of children who claim past-life memories. The quest of the soul: Jung and the beyond. Conference of The Interdisciplinary Society of Analytical Psychology (IVAP, C.G. Jung); Antropia, Driebergen, Utrecht, 15. 11. 2014.

The evidence and possibilities for consciousness beyond the end of life. Month of the Dead in London,  Kensal Green Cemetery, Dissenters’ Chapel,  4:00 to 6:00 pm. 26. 10. 2014.

East and West – do they tell the same story? Western Cases of Reincarnation. Study Day of the Society for Psychical Research. London, 25. 10. 2014.

Investigation of childrens‘ claims of past-life memories. Cases of the Reincarnation Type and the Mind-Brain Relationship. World Congress of Psychiatry. Madrid. 14.-18. 9. 2014.

Glaube an ein Weiterleben zwischen Säkularisierung and Religion. Ein internationaler Vergleich. „Religion(en), Religiosität und religiöse Pluralität im Lichte quantativer Sozial- und Religionsforschung“. Konferenz des Zentrums für Quantitative Empirische Sozialforschung. Universität Leipzig, 26.-27. 6. 2014.

Departed Among the Living. An investigative study of afterlife encounters. Decennial Conference of the Association of Social Anthropology – UK. Anthropology and Enlightenment, (Designing Death; Fashioning ends of life and beyond). University of Edinburgh.  21. 6. 2014.

Afterlife Encounters. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, Edinburgh, 10. 6. 2014.

Døden - en ny begyndelse? Empiriske argumenter fra forskningen for og imod en fortsættelse af livet efter døden. Martinus Center Klint, Denmark, 12. 5. 2014.

Min forskning og mit liv. Martinus Center Klint, Denmark, 9. 5. 2014.

Miraculous phenomena and Sathya Sai Baba. Norsk Parapsykologisk Selskab. Oslo, 8. 5. 2014.

The question of survival, arguments pro and contra and the  evidence in their favour. Sällskapet för Parapsykologisk Forskning, Stockholm, 6. 5. 2014.

Rückblick auf  angebliche Wunder im Leben vom Sathya Sai Baba. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie und Grenzbereiche der Wissenschaften. Im Neuen Institutsgebäude der Universität Wien, Hörsaal II.  Am Dienstag 8. 4. 2014.

Der Tod - ein neuer Anfang? Empirische Argumente aus der Forschung für und gegen das Weiterleben nach dem Tode. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie und Grenzbereiche der Wissenschaften. Im Neuen Institutsgebäude der Universität Wien,  Hörsaal II.  Am Montag 7. 4. 2014.

Werden wir  wiedergeboren? Gibt es Kinder, die sich an frühere Leben erinnern können? Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson (Island) berichtet von seinen Forschungen. Im  „Auryn“, München, Fraunhoferstr. 26, am Freitag 4. April. Im  „Rigoletto“, München Schwabing,  Rosa-Aschenbrenner-Bogen 9, am Samstag 5. 4. 2014.

Á vit hins ókunna. Guðspekifélagið Akureyri. 1. 12. 2013.

Börn som hævder at huske et tidligere liv. Martinus Institut, Copenhagen. 9. 11. 2013.

Sathya Sai Baba. His Life and Alleged Miracles . Selskabet for Psykisk Forskning, Copenhagen, 7. 11. 2013.

Der  Tod, ein neuer Anfang ? Lichtbilder-Vortrag  von Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson (Island)
im  „Auryn“, München, Fraunhoferstr.26, 4. 11. 2013. ("Allerseelen").
im  „Rigoletto“, München Schwabing,  Rosa-Aschenbrenner-Bogen 9, 2. 11. 2013.

Retrospektive auf Sai Baba und seine Phänomene.  Workshop der Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie (WGFP), Offenburg. 25-27. 10. 2013.

Sathya Sai Baba, His Life and Alleged Miracles. Institut Metapsychic International (IMI), Paris, 18. 10. 2013.

Hallucinations and Apparitions of the Dead. Surveys of hallucinations, apparitions and alleged encounters with the dead. University of Northampton, 16. 10. 2013.

Modern Miracles and Sathya Sai Baba. Department of Psychology, University of Northampton. 16.10.2013.

Sathya Sai Baba, His Life and Alleged Miracles. Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit, Goldsmiths College, University of London.  15. 10. 2013.

Spjall um eilífðarmálin. Blindravinafélagið, Reykjavik. 3. 10. 2013.

Indridi Indridason. The best documented Nordic medium. 56th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Viterbo, Italy. 8. 8. - 11. 8. 2013.

„Wunder“ bei Sai Baba. Auryn, München. 20. 3. 2013.

Arguments and evidence for and against an afterlife. Institut Metapsychic International. Paris. 15.3. 2013.

Sai Baba, his life and Miracles. Department of Theology and Religious Studies. Christ Church University, Canterbury. 13.3. 2013.

Hallucinations, visions and alleged encounters with the dead. Psychology department, University of Northampton. 6. 3. 2013.

Children who remember past lives. An Empirical Enquiry. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Puttaparti, A. P., India. 2. 3. 2013.

Nokkur brot um rannsóknir dulrænna fyrirbæra. Anima, félag sálfræðinema. 6. 2. 2013.

Viðhorf til eilífðarmálanna nær og fjær.Opið hús í Neskirkju. 6. 2. 2013.

Á vit hins ókunna. Guðspekifélagið. 18. 1. 2013.

Departed Among the Living: An investigative study of afterlife encounters. Integration of Medicine and Spirituality, Geneva. 10.-11. 11. 2012.

Meine vier Lehrmeister; Hans Bender, Joseph Banks Rhine, Ian Stevenson and Karlis Osis. Institut fűr Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg. 7. 11. 2012.

Erscheinungen von Verstorbenen; Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung. Im Hause Alpensicht, Lenzkirchen in Schwarzwald. 6. 11. 2012.

Meine Erfahrungen mit Sai Baba. Sai Baba Verein, Freiburg. 5. 11. 2012.

Departed Among the Living: An investigative study of afterlife encounters. European Conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration and Scientific and Medical Network. Grianán Adult Education College, Termonfechin, Drogheda, Ireland, 18.-21. 10. 2012.

Sai Baba, eigene Begegnungen und Rűckblick. Basler Psi-Verein, Basel. 26. 9. 2012.

Erfahrungen um die Zeit des Sterbens. Bodensee-Kolleg, Bregenz, 21.-23. 9.2012.

Erscheinungen von Verstorbenen. Bodensee-Kolleg, Bregenz, 21.-23. 9.2012.

Departed Among the Living: An investigative study of afterlife encounters. Annual conference of the Society for Psychical Research. Northampton University. 5.-7. 9. 2012.

Transcendental music, direct speech, xenoglossy, and light phenomena in the mediumship of Indridi Indridason. Division of Perceptual Studies, Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia. 7. 8. 2012.

Cases of the Reincarnation Type and the Mind-Brain Relationship. Exploring the Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship. American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, Florida. 2.-5. 8. 2012.

Una í Garði. Við opnun Unuhúss í Garðinum. 21. 6. 2012.

Meine Erfahrungen mit Sai Baba. Psi Forum Ostschweiz, St. Gallen. 4. 4. 2012.

Hallucinations, visions and alleged encounters with the dead. University of Central Lancashire, School of Psychology, Preston. 7. 3. 2012.

Claims of previous life memories by children: cross-cultural data and case studies. Canterbury Christ Church University. Department of Theology and Religious Studies. 5. 3. 2012.

A perfect case? Remote viewing, travelling clairvoyance or spirit-communication? Institut Metapsychique International, Paris. 2. 3. 2012.

Remote viewing, travelling clairvoyance or spirit-communication? The remarkable Indridason/Nielsen case and the famous 18th century Swedenborg case of the fire in Stockholm. Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes, University of Northampton. 29. 2. 2012.

Kant as a psychical researcher. Swedenborg´s and Indridason´s descriptions of remote fires in Stockholm and Copenhagen. Goldsmith College, University of London. 28. 2. 2012.

Between Secularism and Religion: Belief in the Afterlife. International conference on the Values of Europe organised by the European Values Study and Tilburg University. Tilburg, 23.-25. 11. 2011.

Meine Erfahrungen mit Sai Baba. Psi Forum Ostschweiz, St. Gallen. 4. 4. 2012.

Hallucinations, visions and alleged encounters with the dead. University of Central Lancashire, School of Psychology, Preston. 7. 3. 2012.

Claims of previous life memories by children: cross-cultural data and case studies. Canterbury Christ Church University. Department of Theology and Religious Studies. 5. 3. 2012.

A perfect case? Remote viewing, travelling clairvoyance or spirit-communication? Institut Metapsychique International, Paris. 2. 3. 2012.

Remote viewing, travelling clairvoyance or spirit-communication? The remarkable Indridason/Nielsen case and the famous 18th century Swedenborg case of the fire in Stockholm. Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes, University of Northampton. 29. 2. 2012.

Kant as a psychical researcher. Swedenborg´s and Indridason´s descriptions of remote fires in Stockholm and Copenhagen. Goldsmith College, University of London. 28. 2. 2012.

Between Secularism and Religion: Belief in the Afterlife. International conference on the Values of Europe organised by the European Values Study and Tilburg University. Tilburg, 23.-25. 11. 2011.

Forskere som inspirerede mig; Hans Bender, J.B. Rhine, Karlis Osis and Ian Stevenson. Selakapet for psykisk forskning. Copenhagen, 27. 10. 2011.

Mine møder og erfaringer med Sai Baba. Sai Baba Landsforeningen. Copenhagen. 26. 10. 2011.

Arguments for and against life after death and representative surveys on such beliefs. Psykologiska Institutionen, Göteborg Universitet. 25. 10. 2011.

Das Medium Einer Nielsen. Eine historische Würdigung. Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie. Offenburg 21. - 23. 10. 2011.

Umfragen Über Glaube und Nicht-Glaube an das Ãœberleben. Die Hauptargumente für und gegen das Weiterleben. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene. Freiburg, 19. 10. 2011.

Deathbed visions: Visionary/hallucinatory experiences close to the time of death. Life Enlightenment Charity Foundation and Dudjom Buddhist Association International. Hong Kong International Trade and Exhibitation Centre, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. 15. 10. 2011.

Belief in life after death and reincarnation with arguements for and against such an afterlife. Life Enlightenment Charity Foundation and Dudjom Buddhist Association International. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibitation Centre. 9. 10. 2011.

'Transcendental music' in the mediumship of Indridi Indridason. 35th International Annual Conference of the Society for Psychical Research. University of Edinburgh, 2. – 4. 9. 2011.

Persistence of "past-life" memories in adults in Lebanon who in their childhood claimed memories of a past life. 54th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Curitiba, Brazil. 18.-21. 8. 2011.

Longitudinal studies of cases of the reincarnation type (workshop). Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Dept. of Psychiatry, 17. 8. 2011.

Cases suggestive of reincarnation and the mind-brain relationship. Center for Spirituality and Health. Federal University of Juiz de Fora. 16. 8. 2011.

Research methods for the investigation of children speaking of memories of a previous life (workshop). Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Dept. of Psychiatry, 16. 8. 2011.

Research methods for the study of mediumship (workshop). Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Dept. of Psychiatry, 15. 8. 2011.

Children that claim memories of a previous life. Fundaciao Espirita Allan Kardec. Juiz de Fora, Brazil. 13. 8. 2011.

The psychological characteristics of children who speak of a previous life and the role of dissociation. Reïncarnatie Therapie Nederland, Utrecht, 28. 7. 2011.

Children who speak of a previous life. A presentation of two cases. Reïncarnatie Therapie Nederland. Utrecht, 28. 7. 2011.

Dream content of Icelandic adolescents. International Dream Conference. Amsterdam, 25. – 29. 7. 2011. (With Birgir Th. Gudmundsson).

Visionary/hallucinatory experiences of terminal patients. International Dream Conference. Amsterdam, 25.–29. 7. 2011.

Children who speak of a previous life. International Dream Conference. Amsterdam, 25.–29. 7. 2011.

Death and dying and expceptional experiences. Natural Death Centre, London. 23. 7. 2011.

The Perfect Case? Description of a fire in Copenhagen by Indridi Indridason. Biblioteca Bozzano – de Boni, Bologna. 12. 5. 2011.

Life after death and reincarnation: Beliefs, arguments, evidence, Nuova coscienza e guarigione. Centro Internationale Congressi "Le Conchiglie", Riccione, Italia. 6. 5. 2011.

Nordic Mediums with Physical Effects: Levitations, Materialisations and Light Phenomena. Nuova coscienza e guarigione. Centro Internationale Congressi "Le Conchiglie", Riccione, Italia. 6. 5. 2011.

Svipmyndir frá Tíbet. Guðspekifélagið, Reykjavik. 15. 4. 2011.

Hallucinations, grief reactions and alleged glimpses of the departed. Department of Psychology, Goldsmith College, University of London. 1. 3. 2011.

Evidence for reincarnation; empirical and theoretical aspects. Department of Religious Studies. University of Kent, Canterbury. 24. 2. 2011.

Deathbed visions. Visionary/hallucinatory experiences close to the time of death. Sällskapet för Parapsykologisk Forskning, Stockholm. 22. 2. 2011.

Belief in various countries concerning life after death and reincarnation and an overview of research on the scientific status of such beliefs. Psykologiska Institutionen, Göteborgs Universitet. 21. 2. 2011.

Indridason's description of a fire in Copenhagen during a seance in Iceland in 1905. Remote viewing, travelling clairvoyance or spirit-communication? Psykologiska Institutionen, Göteborgs Universitet. 21. 2. 2011.

På dødens terskel. Visjoner og hallusinatoriske opplevelser på dødsleiet. Norsk Parapsykologisk Selskap. Oslo. 17. 2. 2011.

Belief and disbelief in afterlife. European and world values surveys. Division of Perceptual Studies, Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia.18.1. 2011.

Belief and disbelief in the afterlife: What does psychology say? Psykologiska Institutionen, Göteborg Universitet. 1. 12. 2010.

Indridason's and Swedenborg's descriptions of remote fires in Copenhagen and Stockholm. Psykologiska Institutionen, Göteborg Universitet. 1.12. 2010.

Lassen sich Erinnerungen von Kindern über ein früheres Leben bestätigen? Basler Bewusstseins-Tage, Congress Center Basel. 28. 11. 2010.

Deathbed visions. Visionary/hallucinatory experiences close to the time of death. Hogeschool voor Geestesvetenschappen, Utrecht. 27. 11. 2010.

Investigating children remembering past lives. University of Leiden, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden, 26. 11. 2010.

Visioner og hallucinatoriske oplevelser på dødslejet. Selskabet for psykisk forskning. Copenhagen. 25. 11. 2010.

Children who remember past lives. Can their memories be verified? Europa Universität Viadrina. Frankfurt (Oder), 17. 11. 2010.

Nordische "physikalische Medien", Einer Nielsen und Indridi Indridason. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie und Grenzbereiche der Wissenschaften. Wien, 15. 11. 2010.

Levitationen und Materialisationen: Grossen physikalischen Medien aus Skandinavien. Basler Psi-Verein, Basel. 10. 11. 2010.

Die großen Nordischen Medien. Levitationen und Materialisationen. Schweizer Parapsychologische Gesellschaft, Zürich. 9. 11. 2010.

Lassen sich Erinnerungen von Kindern über ein früheres Leben bestätigen? Psi Forum Ostschweiz. Festsaal Katharinen in St. Gallen, 8. 11. 2010.

Eindrücke einer Tibetreise. Abteilung für evangelische Theologie. Universität Bielefeld, Germany. 3. 11. 2010.

Encounters with the dead. What a large new survey reveals. Atlantic University, Virginia Beach. 22. 10. 2010.

The controversial Danish physical medium Einer Nielsen. Experiments in Copenhagen, Reykjavik and Oslo. Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia. Charlottesville. 19. 10. 2010.

Sathya Sai Baba in retrospect. Instituto de Psicología Paranormal, Buenos Aires. 2. 10. 2010.

Mediumship and survival and the case of Indridi Indridason. Instituto de Psicología Paranormal, Buenos Aires. 2. 10. 2010.

Apparitions and the question of life after death. Instituto de Psicología Paranormal, Buenos Aires. 2. 10. 2010.

Belief and disbelief in life after death, reincarnation and the paranormal. A global perspective. Instituto de Psicología Paranormal, Buenos Aires. 2. 10. 2010.

Research on cases of the Reincarnation Type. Museo Roca –Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas. Buenos Aires, 1. 10. 2010.

Cases of the Reincarnation Type and the Mind-Brain Relationship. Exploring the Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship: An international symposium. Departments of psychiatry,University of São Paulo. Paulo and University Federal de Juiz de Fora, 24. - 26. 9. 2010, São Paulo.

False memories and persistence of past-life memories. Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 21. 9. 2010.

The Indridason/Jensen case. Special after-dinner talk. 34th annual conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Sheffield. 10-12. 9. 2010.

Extraordinary remote viewing and mediumistic phenomena in Iceland and Denmark in 1905. Convention of the Parapsyhological Association, Paris. 24. 7. 2010.

Extraordinary remote viewing and mediumistic phenomena in Iceland and Denmark in 1905. Convention of the Parapsyhological Association, Paris. 24. 7. 2010.

Svipmyndir frá Tíbet. Sumarskóli Guðspekifélagsins, Laugarvatni. 2. – 4. 7. 2010.

Fredric Myeres and the Perfect Case. The Myers Memorial Lecture. Society for Psychical Research. London, 17. 6. 2010.

Empirical inquiry into cases of children who claim to remember a past life. Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit, Goldsmiths College, University of London. 15. 6. 2010.

Bestehen Kindheitheitserinnerungen an frühere Leben im Erwachsenenalter fort? Eine Längsschnittsstudie aus dem Libanon. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg, 2. 6.2010.

Erscheinungen von Verstorbenen. Psi-Forum Ost-Schweiz, St. Gallen, 29. 5. 2010.

Erscheinungen von Verstorbenen. Schweizer Parapsychologische Gesellschaft. Zürich, 28. 5. 2010.

The Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation . Lecture Series: Science, Life and Death, Reincarnation. Life Enlightenment Charity Foundation. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 5. 5. 2010.

Research potentially relevant to the question of reincarnation and life after death. Dudjom Buddhist Association, Hong Kong, 3. 5. 2010.

Leben nach dem Tode und Wiedergeburt. Glaube und Nicht-Glaube in internationalem und interreligiösem Vergleich. Department of theology. University of Bielefeld. 28. 4. 2010.

Erscheinungen von Verstorbenen. Basler Psi-Verein. Basel, 16. 3. 2010.

Indridason's Description of a Fire in Copenhagen during a Seance in Iceland in 1905. Hogeschool voor Geestesvetenschappen, Utrecht, 6. 3. 2010.

Einer Nielsen i Island. Dansk Selskab for Psykisk Forskning. Copenhagen, 4. 3. 2010.

Hallucinations, grief reactions or glimpses of the departed? Department of Psychology, University of Lund, 25. 2. 2010.

Persistence of past-life memories among adults in Lebanon. Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 8. 12. 2009.

Indridason's and Swedenborg's description of the fires in Copenhagen and Stockholm. Remote viewing, travelling clairvoyance or spirit-communication Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1. 12. 2009.

The Druze heritage of Taqamus in international perspective. The American Druze Society, Ohio Chapter, 2009 Thanksgiving Convention. Cleveland, 28. 11. 2009.

Scientific evidence of reincarnation. The American Druze Society. Sheraton Hartford Hotel, Hartford, Connecticut. 15. 11. 2009.

Haraldur Níelsson og upphaf spíritismans á Islandi. Guðspekifélagið. 30.10. 2009.

Die physikalischen Phaenomene des Isländischen Mediums Indridi Indridason. XXIV. Workshop der WGFP. Offenburg. 24. 10. 2009.

Fantastic memories. Psykologiska Institutionen, University of Gothenburg. 22. 10. 2009.

Jagten paa den gådefulde ånd. Selskabet for psykisk forskning. Copenhagen. 21. 10. 2009.

Das isländische Medium Indridi Indridason. Neue Erkenntnisse und ein Vergleich mit Swedenborgs Vision vom Brand in Stockholm. IGPP, Freiburg. 14. 10. 2009.

Levitationen, direkte Stimmen und Licht Phänomene bei dem Medium Indridi Indridason (1883-1912).  Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg, 6. 5. 2009.

Deathbed visions. Hallucinatory and visionary experiences close to the time of death. Scientific and Medical Network. Cret-Gerard Convention Center, Lausanne. 3. 5. 2009.

Glimpses of the departed? Surveys of apparitions and alleged encounters with the dead. Scientific and Medical Network. Cret-Gerard Convention Center, Lausanne. 3. 5. 2009.

Erscheinungen am Sterbebett. Schweizerische Vereinigung für Parapsychologie. Bern, 30. 4. 2009.

Erinnerungen von Kindern an ein früheres Leben. Basler Psi-Verein,  Basel, 29. 4. 2009.

Lassen sich Erinnerungen von Kindern ueber ein früheres Leben bestätigen? Schweizer Parapsychologische Gesellschaft. Zuerich, 28. 4. 2009.

Reincarnation and children who speak of a previous life American University Beirut. The Alumni Association. 23. 4. 2009.

Hvad er de videnskabelige beviser for reincarnation? Selskabet for psykisk forskning.  Copenhagen. 2. 4. 2009.

Levitation, direktröster, materialisation och andra fysiska fenomen i seanser om mediet Indridi Indridasson pÃ¥ Island för 100 Ã¥r sedan.  Sällskapet för parapsykologisk forskning, Stockholm. 26. 3. 2009.

Children who speak of past lives. Psykologiska institutionen, Göteborgs Universitet, Gothenburg, 21. 3. 2009.

New survey of psychic experiences in Iceland. Norsk parapsykologisk selskap. Oslo, 19. 3. 2009.

The great physical medium Indridi Indridason; Levitations, direct voices, light phenomena etc. Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 24. 2. 2009.

Life before life? Investigation of young children´s memories and birthmarks pointing to a previous life. The Life After Life Club, Laguna Woods, Laguna Hills, California. 10. 2. 2009.

Near-Death, deathbed visions and similar experiences. Intermational Association for Near Death Studies, San Diego Chapter. 8. 2. 2009.

Deathbed visions and other spontaneous experiences. The Life After Life Club, Laguna Woods, Laguna Hills, California. 7. 2. 2009.

Glimpses of a life past? My investigations of children who claim to remember a past life. The Learning Light Foundation, Anaheim, Californa. 7. 2. 2009.

Sálarrannsóknir og spíritismi í lífi og starfi Haraldar Níelssonar. Málþing um séra Harald Níelsson prófessor. Háskóla Íslands, 30. 11. 2008.

Töfrar eða kraftaverk? Hið íslenska töframannagildi. (International Brotherhood of Magicians, Ring 371). Reykjavik, 24. 11. 2008.

Erinnerung, Einbildung oder Beeinflussung? Kinder die behaupten sich an ein früheres Leben zu erinnern. 19. internationale Seminar-Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Therapeutische Hypnose und Hypnoseforschung, Schloss Meersburg, Bodensee. 9. 11. 2008.

Erscheinungen von Verstorbenen. Fallberichte und Interpretationsfragen. Schweizerische Vereinigung für Parapsychologie. Bern 31. 10. 2008.

Parapsychische Spontanerlebnisse und Volksglaube in Island
Ergebnisse einer neuen Umfrage. 24. Workshop der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie (WGFP). Offenburg, 24. -26. 10. 2008.

Belief in life after death and reincarnation. Analysis of World Values Survey data. Annual conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.. Louiseville Kentucky, 17.-19. 10. 2008.

New survey of psychic experiences in Iceland with an international comparison. Conference of the Society for Psychical Research and the Parapsychological Association. Winchester, England, 13.-17. 8. 2008.

Reincarnation in the Middle East. American Druze Society Convention. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 3. - 6. 7. 2008.

Surveys of psychic phenomena. An international comparison. Department of psychology, University of Northampton, 29. 4. 2008.

Children who claim memories of past lives. Department of psychology, University of Northampton, 28. 4. 2008.

Ian Stevenson. Life and Research. An Historical Perspective. Society for Psychical Research. Study Day. London 26. 4. 2008.

Psychische Erlebnisse in Island und ein internationaler Vergleich. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie. Wien, 22. 4. 2008.

Religion und Parapsychologie. Verbindungen und Kontroversen. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie. Wien, 21. 4. 2008.

Lassen sich Erinnerungen von Kindern über ein früheres Leben bestätigen?
Vortrag mit Fallberichten aus dem Libanon, Sri Lanka und Island. Schweizerische Vereinigung für Parapsychologie. Bern, 18. 4. 2008.

Einführung in die CORT Forschung. Institute für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg. 17. 4. 2008.

Psychische Spontanerlebnissse und Volksglaube in Island. Eine neue Umfrage. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg. 16. 4. 2008.

Encounters with the dead. Results of an extensive in-depth survey with an international comparison. Parapsychology Institut, Utrecht. 12. 4. 2008.

The interface between religion and parapsychology. Rhine Research Center, Durham, N. C. 4. 4. 2008.

Belief in life after death and reincarnation in the World Values Survey. An international, intercontinental and interfaith comparison. Mid-year conference of the Division for Psychology of Religion of the American Psychological Association. Loyola College, Columbia, Maryland. 29. 2. 2008.

Reincarnation, ancient belief and new evidence among the Druze. Conference of the American Druze Foundation, Library of Congress and the Kluge Center. Washington, D. C., 7. 2. 2008.

Samanburður á meintri dulrænni reynslu Íslendinga árin 1974 og 2007. Þjóðarspegillinn. Conference of the Faculty of Social Science, University of Iceland. 7. 12. 2007.

Worldwide Beliefs in Reincarnation and Survival. Analysis of the World Values Survey data. Division of Perceptual Studies, Dept. of psychiatry, University of Virginia. 4. 12. 2007.

Icelandic survey of psychic experiences. Division of Perceptual Studies, Dept. of psychiatry, University of Virginia. 30. 10. 2007.

What is the scientific status of the evidence for reincarnation? Department of psychology, Lund University, 18. 9. 2007.

Børn som hævder at erindre et tidligere liv. Anthroposofisk Center, Jaerna, Sweden, 16. 9. 2007.

Longitudinal study of persons in Lebanon claiming past-life memories when they were children. 32nd international conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Cardiff. 31.8.-2.9. 2007. (In absentia).

Cases of the reincarnation type. Attempting to replicate Ian Stevenson´s findings. European conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration. Röros, Norway, 14.-17. 8. 2007.

An attempt to replicate Ian Stevenson´s findings about reincarnation cases. Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Halifax. 3.-5. 8. 2007.

Hallucinatory/visionary experiences close to the time of death. Department of psychobiology, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo. 13. 6. 2007.

Deathbed visions. International congress of Associacao medico espirita do Brasil, Sao Paulo, 7. – 9. 6. 2007.

Empirical studies of children who claim to have memories of a previous life. International congress of Associacao medico espirita do Brasil, Sao Paulo, 7. – 9. 6. 2007.

A survey of trance phenomena and mediumship. Department of psychiatry, University of Sao Paulo. 6. 6. 2007.

Parapsychology and religion. 90 års jubileum af Selskabet for Parapsychologisk Forskning. Oslo. 2. 5. 2007.

Wenn Kinder sich an ein früheres Leben erinnern. Forschung zur Reinkarnation. Im Hause von Armin und Saraswati Albano-Müller. Schwelm. 22. 4. 2007.

Empirical inquiry into cases of children who claim to remember a past life. Institut Metapsychic International, Paris. 16. 4. 2007.

Empirical inquiry into cases of children who claim to remember a past life. De vereniging voor transpersoonlijke psychiatrie. Organiseert in samenwerking met de Universiteit voor Humanistiek, Utrecht. 14. 4. 2007.

Phantasms of the Departed. Analysis of a new collection of 449 cases. The Gwen Tate Memorial Lecture. Society for Psychical Research, London. 12. 4. 2007.

Children who claim memories of a past life. Department of psychology, University of Manchester. 11. 4. 2007.

Encounters with the dead. What the surveys tells us. Jefferson Institute of lifetime learning, Charlottesville. 21. 3. 2007.

Encounters with the dead. What the surveys tells us. Keynote speech. Conference of the Rhine Research Center, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 24. 3. 2007.

Empirical inquiry into cases of children who claim to remember a past life. Association for Research and Enlightenment, Virginia Beach. 14. 3. 2007.

A longitudinal study of persons who claimed in their childhood to remember a past life. Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 6. 3. 2007.

Trauma and claims of memories of a past life: Psychological studies of children in Sri lanka and Lebanon. American Psychological Association, Division of Psychology of Religion. Midwinter conference. Loyola College, Columbia, Maryland. 3. 3. 2007.

Survey of trance and mediums in Iceland. Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 20 .2. 2007.

Empirical inquiry into cases of children who claim to remember a past life. Rhine Research Center, Durham, N. C. 26. 1. 2007.

Rannsóknir á börnum sem telja sig muna brot úr fyrri æviskeiðum. Guðspekifélagið, Reykjavík. 12. 1. 2007.

Börn sem segjast muna fyrra líf. Sálarrannsóknafélag Íslands, Reykjavik. 10. 1. 2007.

Dulsálarfræði. Menntaskólinn í Hamrahlíð, 1. 12. 2006.

Empirical inquery into cases of children who claim to remember a past life. Department of Theology, University of Kent, Canterbury. 24. 11. 2006.

Empirical enquiry into cases of children who claim to remember a past life. Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, University of Oxford. 23. 11. 2006.

Apparitions and alleged encounters with the dead: Comparison of Surveys in Iceland and Britain a century apart. Department of psychology, University of Northampton. 22. 11. 2006.

Children who claim memories of a past life. Department of psychology, University of Northampton. 22. 11. 2006.

Svipsýnir og reynsla Íslendinga af látnum. Sálarrannsóknarfélag Íslands, Reykjavik, 6. 11. 2006.

Erste Ergebnisse einer Longitudinalstudie von Reinkarnationsfällen in Sri Lanka. Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie. Offenburg. 3.-5. 11.2006.

Paranormale Medien I Island. Östereichische Gesellschaft fűr Parapsychologie, Universität Wien, 23. 10. 2006.

Er nokkuð að marka börn sem segjast muna fyrra líf? Á sveimi, ráðstefna um andleg mál, Seyðisfirði, 29. 9. – 1.10. 2006.

Svipsýnir og samband vvið látna. Á sveimi, ráðstefna um andleg mál, Seyðisfirði, 29. 9. – 1.10. 2006.

Trauma and memories of a past life. 30th international conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Liverpoool Hope University, 1.-3. 9. 2006.

Two new findings relevant for the survival question. Panel on the importance of survival research. Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Stockholm, 4.-6. 8. 2006.

Diskussionsrunden; Medialitaet, Aussergewöhnliche Erfahrungen, Sinn und Unsinn Medialer Praktiken. Sommer Psi-Tage, Rheinfelden, Switzerland, 23.-25. 6. 2006.

The many sides and features of cases of the reincarnation type. Society for Psychical Research, London, 11. 5. 2006. Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes, University of Northampton, 16. 5. 2006.

Sai Baba im Rückblick. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene. Freiburg, 20.3. 2006.

Children remembering past lives. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. Prashanti Nilayam, A. P., India, 25. 2. 2006.

Some recent cases of children who speak about memories of a past life. Conference on Science and the Paranormal. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 11, 2. 2006. Centre for Buddhism (International), Kandy, 12, 2. 2006.

Látnir í heimi lifenda. Skólabæ, 14. 12. 2005.

Sai Baba, sein Wirken und seine Bewegung. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene. Freiburg, 30.11. 2005.

Börn sem hævder at erindre et tidligere liv. Selskabet for psykisk forskning. 100 års jubilæum. Copenhagen, 25. 11. 2005.

At the hour of death. Hallucinatory/visionary experiences shortly before death. Dansk psykolog forening. Copenhagen, 24. 11. 2005.

Appearances of the dead: What are their characteristics and who have such experiences? International Theosophical Centre, Naarden, 8. 10. 2005.

Children who claim to remember a previous life. What do they tell us? What can we learn from them? International Theosophical Centre, Naarden, 7. 10, 2005.

Children who claim memories of a past life. Parapsychologisch Instituut, Utrecht, 5. 10. 2005.

Analysis of over 400 recent cases of alleged encounters with the dead. How do they compare with British cases collected over a century ago? British Psychological Society, Section of Transpersonal Psychology, Cober Hill Conference Centre, Scarborough, 16.-19. 9. 2005.

Trauma and claims of memories of a past life. Overview of psychological studies in Lebanon and Sri Lanka. 29th international conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University of Bath, September 2.-4. 9. 2005.

Some extraordinary cases of children who claim memories of a past life. Annual conference of the Scientific and Medical Network, Odenthal-Altenberg, Germany, 7.-10. 7. 2005.

Children who claim to remember previous lifetimes. Seminar om nær-döden opplevelser og reinkarnasjon. Florö, Norway, 27-29.5. 2005.

Psychological studies of children who claim to remember past lifetimes. Seminar om nær-döden opplevelser og reinkarnasjon. Florö, Norway, 27-29.5. 2005.

How good is the Evidence for life before birth? Scottish Society for Psychical Research, University of Glasgow. 5. 5. 2005.

Children who claim to remember a past life: Investigating their claims. Theology and Religious Studies Department. University of Wales, Lampeter. 28.4. 2005.

Post-traumatic stresss disorder and cases of the reincarnation type. Division of Personality Studies, Department of Psychiatric Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 1. 2. 2005.

Claims of children to remember a past life: Some case studies and attempts to interpret the cases. Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, Leiden University, Leiden. 19. 1. 2005.

Kinder die sich an "frühere Leben" erinnern. Fallberichte aus dem Libanon, Sri Lanka und Island. Institut für Psychobiologie und Verhaltensmedizin, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen. 17.1. 2005.

Psychological scars from a distant past? The psychology of children who speak about a previous life. Annual Continental Conference of the Scientific and Medical Network, University of Krakow, 31. 10. 2004.

Apparitions of the dead. Selskabet for Psykisk Forskning, Copenhagen, 27. 10. 2004.

Children who speak of memories of a previous life, case studies and psychological characteristics. Dansk psykologisk selskab, Copenhagen. 26. 10. 2004.

Reincarnation and children who speak of a previous life: The Druze Experience. Druze Heritage Foundation and Middle East Center, Oxford, 2. 10. 2004.

Of Indian God-Men and Miracle-Makers: The Case of Sathya Sai Baba. British Psychological Association, Transpersonal section, Cober Hill, Scarborough. 13. 9. 2004.

Children who speak about a previous life: What do they tell and how do they differ from other children? British Psychological Association, Transpersonal section, Cober Hill, Scarborough, 12. 9. 2004. Keynote speech.

Survey of Mediums in Iceland. 47th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association. University of Vienna, 5.-8. 8. 2004.

Sai Baba – Ein Wundermann? Ein Kapitel Feldforschung. “Tag der Parapsychologie”. Universität Wien. 4. 8. 2004.

Apparitions od the dead – analysis of a collection of 449 new cases. Division of Personality Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 11.5. 2004.

Svipsýnir, ofskynjanir og meint reynsla af látnum. Íslenskar rannsóknir í sálfræði. Ráðstefna haldin 4. 6. 2004 af Sálfræðiskor Háskóla Íslands, Sálfræðingafélagi Íslands og Geðsviði Landspítala-háskólasjúkrahúss í tilefni af 50 ára afmæli Sálfræðingafélags Íslands.

Apparitions and reported encounters with the dead. Analyses of 449 new cases. Divsion of Personality, Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia. 11. 5. 2004.

Kinder die sich an "frühere Leben" erinnern. Fallberichte aus dem Libanon, Sri Lanka und Island. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie, Universität Wien. 20. 4. 2004.

Kinder die sich an "frühere Leben" erinnern. Fallberichte aus dem Libanon, Sri Lanka und Island. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie, Universität Wien. 20. 4. 2004.

Erscheinungen Verstorbener - Fallberichte und Interpretationsfragen. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie, Universität Wien. 19. 4. 2004.

Kinder die über ein früheres Leben sprechen. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg. 16. 4. 2004.

Apparitions of the dead – alleged contacts with the dead. Analyses of 449 new cases. Stiftelsen John Björkhems Minnesfond, Stockholm, 17. 3. 2004. Norsk Parapsykologisk Selskab, Oslo, 18. 3. 2004.

Erscheinungen Verstorbener - Ein Vergleich zwischen zwei grossangelegten Umfragen in Grossbritannien und Island, durchgeführt im Abstand von 100 Jahren. 19. jährliche Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie. Offenburg 24.-26. 10. 2003.

Kongreß-Kurzberichte: 27th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research. 19. jährliche Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie. Offenburg 24.-26. 10. 2003.

Contact with the dead. What the Human Values Study tells us. Scientific and Medical Network, London Branch. 17. 10. 2003.

Empirical evidence of reincarnation. Department of Religious Studies, University of Kent at Canterbury. 16. 10. 2003.

Three semi-randomly selected Lebanese (Druze) cases of children who speak of past lives. 27th international conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Manchester Conference Centre, 5-7. 9. 2003.

Vi i Island og det overnaturlige. Nordspråk. Nordisk Sommerkurs i Island, Laugarvatn, 29.7. 2003.

Children who speak about past lives: Reincarnation and the Field. The Living Field Conference, Paragon Hotel, London, 5.-6. 5. 2003.

Könnun um meinta reynslu af látnum. Sálarrannsóknarfélag Hafnarfjarðar, 30. 1. 2003.

Geistererscheinungen (Apparitions) in Island. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg. 25. 11. 2002.

Das Phenomän der “Fernwirkung” bei Sai Baba -Erlebnisse und Erklärungsversuche. Die Basler Psi-Tage, Basel. 22. 11. 2002.

Wenn Verstorbene erscheinen. Die wichtigsten Merkmale von 350 neuen Fällen. Die Basler Psi-Tage, Basel. 23. 11. 2002.

Apparitions of the dead: Analyses of a new collection of 350 cases. 16th Continental meeting of the Scientific and Medical Network. La Herradura, Spain, 27-29. 9. 2002.

Children who speak of past-life experiences: Is there a psychological explanation? 45th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association. Paris, 5.-8. 8., 2002.

Psychological characteristics of children who report past-life memories: An extended study and replication in Lebanon. Beyond and Behind the Brain. 4th Symposium of the Bial foundation. Porto, Portugal, 4th-6th 4. 2002.

Is there a psychological explanation of spontaneous past-life experiences reported by children? Sällskapet för Parapsykologisk Forskning, Stockholm, 23. 4. 2002.

Some cases of spontaneous past-life experiences, Sällskapet för Parapsykologisk Forskning, Stockholm, 23. 4. 2002.

Reinkarnasjon. Norsk Parapsykologisk Selskap, Oslo, 21. 4. 2002.

Recent evidence to substantiate rebirth/rebecoming. Buddhist Centre International, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 28. 2. 2002.

Three cases in Lebanon of children who remember a past life. 24th international conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Clare College, Cambridge, 14.-16. 9. 2001.

Children in Lebanon and Sri Lanka who speak of a previous life: Similarities and differences. 44th Convention of the Parapsychological Association. New York, 1.- 4. 8. 2001.

Perceptual defensiveness and ESP performance: Reconstructed DMT-ratings and psychological correlates in the first German DMT-ESP experiment. (With Houtkooper, Schneider & Beckström).
Convention of the Parapsychological Association. New York, 1.- 4. 8. 2001.

Empirische Untersuchungen zu “Reinkarnationsfällen“ in Lebanon. Plenarvortrag. 2. Tagung des Deutschen Kollegiums für Transpersonale Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Universität Freiburg, 15.-16. 6. 2001.

Moderne Forschung zum Fortleben nach dem Tode. Institut fuer Psychobiologie und Verhaltensmedizin, Justus-Liebig-Universitaet, Giessen,. 5. 2. 2001.

Kinder die über ein früheres Leben sprechen: Gibt es eine psychologische Erklärung?. 18. Basler Psi-Tage, Kongresszentrum Basel, 24. - 27. 11. 2000.

Muttermale als Hinweise auf frühere Leben: Der Fall von Purnima Ekanayake. 18. Basler Psi-Tage, Kongresszentrum Basel, 24. - 27. 11. 2000.

Psychological testing of children in Lebanon. Division of Personality Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 26. 9. 2000.

Psychological characteristics of children who speak of a previous life. The Role of Dissociation. 43rd Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association. Freiburg, August, 17. - 20. 9. 2000.

Hans Bender’s investigation of children who speak of previous life. Panel “Hans Bender and the Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohzgiene”. 43rd Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Freiburg, 17. - 20. 9. 2000.

Children who remember previous life. Congresso Internacional De Terapia De Vida Passada. Rio de Janeiro, 6.-9. 7. 2000.

Reynsla af látnum í Reykjavik. Huliðsheimar Reykjavíkur. Opinn háskóli – Líf í borg, Menningarborgin Reykjavík árið 2000. 28. 6. 2000.

Children who claim to remember a previous life; Is there a psychological explanation? Beyond and Behind the Brain. Conference of the Bial foundation. Porto, 6. - 8. 4. 2000.

Children with memories of previous life. Rational Perspective on the Paranormal. Perrott-Warrick Conference. Trinity College, Cambridge, 3.- 5. 4. 2000.

Some recent cases that I have investigated in Sri Lanka. An International Seminar on Recent Trends in Rebirth Research. University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 17.-18. 3. 2000.

Psychological characteristics of children who speak of a previous life. An International Seminar on Recent Trends in Rebirth Research. University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka, March 17-18, 2000.

Children who speak of previous lives: Five new cases from Sri Lanka. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Parapsychologie, Amsterdam, November 1, 1999.

Psychological studies of children who speak of previous lives. Division of Personality Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, September 14, 1999.

Children who speak of previous lives: The psychological dimension. 23rd international conference of the Society for Psychical Research, St. Chad's College, University of Durham, Durham, September 3, 1999.

Three perplexing cases of children who speak of a previous life. Conference of the The Scientific and Medical Network and The Institute of Noetic Sciences. St. John's College, Cambridge. August 19, 1999.

Of Indian God-Men and Miracle-Makers: The Case of Sai Baba. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Parapsychologie, Amsterdam, April 26, 1999.

Personality and Abilities of Children Claiming Previous-Life Memories: The Role of Dissociation. Früjahrstagung des Instituts für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene. Freiburg, April 22. - 24. 1999.

Post mortem contacts among contemporary Icelanders: Results of two surveys. Seminar on "Religious ideas and practices in the North Atlantic area." Center for North Atlantic Studies, University of Aarhus, Denmark, February 23.-24. 1999.

Birthmarks and claims of memories of previous lives. Three new cases in Sri Lanka. 22th international conference of the Society for Psychical Research, University College of Ripon & York St. John, September 4-6, 1998.

Remembering Karlis Osis. American Society for Psychical Research, New York, December 12 1996. July 25, 1998.

Three new birthmark cases in Sri Lanka. Division of Personality Studies. University of Virginia, Charlottesville. June 2, 1998.

Second psychological study of children in Sri Lanka reporting previous-life memories. Division of Personality Studies. University of Virginia, Charlottesville. May 19, 1998.

Reynsla af látnum. Guðspekifélagið, Reykjavik, January 23, 1998.

Kinder erinnern sich an frühere Leben: Einige neue Fälle aus Sri Lanka. Goetheanum-Tage, Berlin, March 28, 1997.

An investigation of cases in Sri Lanka of children who report memories of previous lives. American Society for Psychical Research, New York, December 12 1996.

Children in Sri Lanka who speak of memories of a previous life as a Buddhist monk. Division of Personality Studies. University of Virginia, Charlottesville. December 10 1996.

Psychological Study II of children who report previous-life memories. Division of Personality Studies. University of Virginia, Charlottesville. December 3 1996.

The giftedness of children who claim previous life memories. 20th international conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, England, September 30 1996.

Third European meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration. Freiburg, October 12 1996.

Reinkarnationserlebnisse bei Kindern. Karma und Reinkarnations, Das menschliche Bewusstsein unter der Lupe. Kongress, Düsseldorf. May 27 1996.

Personality and abilities of children claiming previous life memories. 5th annual meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration. University of Virginia, Charlottesville. May 25 1996.

My encounters with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Sathya Sai Organization of Colombo, April 11 1996.

Research in Sri Lanka of children speaking of a previous life. Society of Servants of the Buddha, Colombo, April 6 1996.

Children claiming past-life memories. Their personality and abilities. Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Durham, Aug. 4.-8. 1995.

Validating scoring rules for the Defense Mechanism Test and the predictability of ESP. (With Joop M. Houtkooper) Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Durham, USA, Aug. 4.-8. 1995.

Religion und empirische Parapsychologie. XV. Imago Mundi Kongress, Innsbruck, July 12-16 1995.

Weitere Entwicklung des Defense Mechanism Test und Vorhersagbarkeit von ASW. Seminar: Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, Uni-Freiburg, (With J. M. Houtkooper), July 6 1995.

Telepathie, Hellsehen und Erscheininguen von Verstorbenen. Studium Generale, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, June 14, 1995.

Of Indian God-Men and Miracle-Makers: The Case of Sai Baba. 9th international conference of CESNUR, University of Rome, May 10-12, 1995.

Eine Metaanalyse von Experimenten über Wahrnehmungsabwehr und Außersinnliche Wahrnehmung. (With J.M. Houtkooper) Frühjarhstagung des Instituts für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, 3.-5. April 1995.

Spontanerinnerungen an frühere Leben. Neue Fälle aus Sri Lanka. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie, Wien, 28. March 1995.

Sai Baba, Indiens charismatische Wundergestalt. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie, Wien, 27. March 1995.

Heilungssuchende - eine isländische Repräsentativ-Umfrage. Kolloquium: Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, Universität Freiburg, 1. Februar 1995.

Eine internationale Studie über paranormale Erfahrungen (The Human Values Survey). (WithJ. M. Houtkooper). Seminar: Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, Uni-Freiburg, 8. 11. 1994.

Wahrnehmungsabwehr, ASW, Persönlichkeit und Einstellung: Meta-Analyse, Experimentator- und Absinkungseffekt. (With J. M. Houtkooper). Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie, Offenburg, September 24, 1994.

Investigating Macro-PK in India: Sai Baba. 18th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Bournemouth, Sept. 4 1994.

Children claiming past-life memories: Their personality and abilities. 18th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Bournemouth, Sept. 2 1994.

Perceptual defensiveness, ESP, personality and belief: Meta-analsyis, experimenter and decline effects. Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Amsterdam, August 9 1994. (With Joop M. Houtkooper).

Investigating Macro-PK in India. Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Amsterdam, August 8 1994. (With Richard Wiseman).

Mythen und Mirakel im modernen Hinduismus: Persönliche Beobachtungen zum Fall Sai Baba. Institut für Historische Etnologie, JWG Universität, Fraknfurt, June 9, 1994.

Religion, Spiritismus und das Paranormale. Ein isländisch-brazilianisch-amerikanischer Vergleich. (Mit J. M. Houtkooper). Abteilung für Psychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, Universität Freiburg, June 8 1994.

Investigation of children who believe they remember previous lives. Scientific and Medical Network Continental Members Meeting, Oberhofen, Switzerland, April 23 1994.

Investigations into the phenomena of Sai Baba. I tre giorni della ricercha psichica, Edizione Mediterranee. Riccione, March 18. 1994.

An international survey of psychical experiences. I tre giorni della ricercha psichica, Edizione Mediterranee. Riccione, March 2o. 1994.

Defence Mechanism Test (DMT) und ASW - Eine Darstellung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes. Psychologisches Institut, Universität Freiburg, und Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene. December 15 1993.

Spiritual healing in Iceland: Results of a survey Anthropological Institute, University of Copenhagen, November 25 1993.

Status of research on alternative therapies in Iceland. Anthropological Institute, University of Copenhagen, November 25 1993.

International survey of psychic experiences. Who reports them? Convention of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Raleigh, North Carolina, October 31, 1993.

Indienfahrt eines Parapsychologen Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Parapsychologie Offenburg, October 10 1993.

Extrasensory perception and the Defense Mechanism Test. Euro-PA, Clos Notre Dame, France, Sept. 24 1993.

New cases of the reincarnation type in Sri Lanka. Institute for survival and rebirth research, Calcutta, July 16, 1993.

Sai Baba. Guðspekifélagið Jan. 22, 1993.

Sálarrannsóknafélag Hafnarfjar›ar, Iceland, Feb. 25 1993.

Some recent cases of children in Sri Lanka claiming past-life memories. Peradeniya University, Sri Lanka, 27. Nov. 1992.

Encounters with the dead: Icelandic and Western European surveys. Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, 5. Oct 1992.

Sai Baba and claims of the miraculous. Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, 5. Oct 1992.

Parasykologisk forskning og folkelore på Island. Sällskapet för Parapsykologisk Forskning, Stockholm, 8. Oct. 1992.

Spooks past and present: Apparitions of the dead and the living. Norsk Parapsykologisk Selskab, Oslo, 11. Oct 1992.

The effects of perceptual defensiveness, personality and belief on extrasensory perception tasks. Conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Technische Universität, Munich, Aug. 8 1992.

Reinkarnation, neue Fälle aus Sri Lanka. Kongress in Düsseldorf, May 2 1992.

The replicability of the Defence Mechanism Test as a predictor of ESP performance. Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man, Durham, North Carolina, Dec. 12 1991.

Apparitions of the dead. The College of Psychic Studies, London, November 5 1991.

The question of reincarnation: any scientific evidence? The Theosophical Society, London, Nov 3 1991.

Children who claim to remember previous lives: four new cases in Sri Lanka. International congress of parapsychology, Valencia, September 29 1991.

Apparitions of the dead: Analysis of of a new collection of 350 reports. Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Heidelberg, August 8 1991.

History of parapsychology in Iceland. Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Heidelberg, August 8 1991.

Erscheinungen Verstorbener? Eine Analyse von 357 Gegenwartsberichten. XIII. Imago Mundi Kongress, Innsbruck, July 11 1991.

Apparitions of the dead: A survey of 350 new cases in Iceland. Parapsychologisch Instituut, Utrecht Holland, May 30 1991. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Parapsychologie, Nieuwegein, Holland, May 31 1991.

Congresso internazionale. Centro Milanese Metafonia, Milano, June 8 1991.

Kynni mín af Sai Baba. Sálarrannsóknafélag Íslands, Reykjavik, May 23 1991.

Evaluating physical evidence in field work: Sai Baba. Department of psychology, University of Edinburgh, May 3, 1991.

Encounters with the dead. (Hamilton lecture). Scottish Society for Psychical Research, Glasgow, May 2, 1991.

Apparitions of the dead; analyses of some new cases. Society for Psychical Research, London. April 27, 1991.

Rannsóknir mínar á börnum á Sri Lanka sem skýra frá minningum um fyrra líf. Gu›spekifélaginu. Reykjavik, Jan. 18 1991.

Sathya Sai Baba og hans uforklarlige "kraftige gerninger"/mirakler. Institut for Missionsteologi og Ökumenisk Teologi, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark, Oct. 26 1990.

Children who remember previous lives. Two new cases in Sri Lanka. Astra conference, Riva del Garda, Italy, Oct. 21, 1990.

Children who remember previous lives. Four new cases in Sri Lanka. 14th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Bournemouth, Sept. 23 1990.

Psychic experiences in the multi-national human values study. Convention of the Parapsychological Association, National 4-H Center, Chevy Chase, Maryland, Aug. 17 1990.

Survey of claimed encounters with the dead. Convention of International Association for Near Death Studies, Georgetown University Conference Center, Washington, D. C., Aug. 18 1990. Sri Lanka Society for Psychical Research, Peradeniya University, Kandy, June 13, 1990.

The scope and limitations of psychological research. Department of philosophy and psychology, Peradeniya University, Kandy, Sri Lanka.,June 14, 1990.

Sai Baba. Sai Baba Study Group, Kandy, June 12 1990. Sai Baba Study Group, Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 14, 1990 Intercontinental Metaphysical Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 31 1990.

Claims of the miraculous in the Sai Baba movement. Society of theology students, University of Iceland, March 21 1990 Guðspekifélagið, Reykjavik, March 9, 1990. Peradeniya University, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Nov. 22 1989. Parapsykologisch Instituut, Utrecht, Holland, Nov. 16 1989.

The role of the miraculous in the Sai Baba movement. Convention of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Salt Lake City, Oct. 27 1989.

Hallucinations in non-psychiatric populations. Grand rounds, Crownsville Hospital Center, Crownsville, Maryland, Oct. 25 1989. Psychiatry residents´seminar, Dept. of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Oct. 24 1989.

Sai Baba: a Western view of an Indian holy man. Grand rounds, Dept. of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Oct. 24 1989.

Claims of the miraculous in the Sai Baba movement. Center for South Asian Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Oct. 20 1989.

Claims of paranormal events in the Sai Baba movement. 13th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Bournemouth, Sept. 9 1989.

Encounters with the dead. Second International Conference on Parapsychological Research, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, June 4 1989.

Sai Baba. Second International Conference on Parapsychological Research, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, June 1 1989.

Dulræn reynsla í fjölþjóða gildakönnun Gallups. Guðspekifélagið, Reykjavik, March 17 1989.

Sai Baba. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Parapsychologie, Amersfoort, Holland, Jan. 26 1989.

Meine Forschungen über Sai Baba. Psychologishes Institut, Universität Freiburg, Jan. 24 1989.

Modern studies of apparitions and deathbed-visions. Paxford Foundation, Scientific and medical network, IANDS, London Jan. 20 1989.

Claims of miracles in the Sai Baba movement. Department of religious studies, King´s College, University of London, Jan. 17 1989.

Sai Baba - an investigative inquiry into his phenomena. Basler Psi-Tage, Basel, Switzerland, Nov. 12 1988.

Roundtable, Miami, Nov. 5 1988. 

Sai Baba Miami Center, Nov. 3 1988.

Department of Psychology. University of Miami, Nov. 2 1988.

Florida Society for Psychical Research, Hollywood, Oct. 29 1988.

Aquarian Research Center, West Palm Beach, Oct. 28 1988.

Sai Baba - the role of the miraculous in a new religious movement. Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Aug. 10 1988.

Sai Baba - an investigative inquiry into his phenomena. International Conference on Parapsychological Research, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, July 8 1988. Sai Baba Study Group of St. Louis, June 30 1988.

Reynsla af látnum í ljósi nokkurra kannanna. Guðspekifélaginu, Reykjavik, May 8th 1988.

Who reports psychic experiences? A multinational comparison. Society for Psychical Research, London, April 23 1988.

Hallucinations and subjective experiences of the dead. Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, April 1 1988.

Reported paranormal experiences. Data from a multi-national study. Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, April 1 1988.

Sai Baba. The Indian man of miracles. California Society for Psychical Studies, San Fransisco. March 28 1988. Sai Baba study group. Minneapolis, April 2nd 1988. Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, New York City Chapel, April 4 1988.

Dulræn reynsla í gildakönnun Gallups. Sálarrannsóknafélag Íslands, Reykjavik, March 3 1988.

Sai Baba. The Indian religous leader with a widespread reputation for performing miracles. American Society for Psychical Research, New York, Jan 8 1988. International Foundation for Survial Research, Los Angeles, Jan 18 1988. 

Southern California Society for Psychical Research, Los Angeles, Jan 19 1988.

Church of All Religions. Los Angeles, Jan 20 1988.

Psi Network of Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara Jan. 22 1988.

U. N. Parapsychology Society, New York Jan 28 1988. Hartford Sai Baba Study Group. Hartford, Connecticut, Jan 29 1988.

The Psychic Personality. New findings from the multinational Human Values (Gallup) Survey. American Society for Psychical Research, New York, Sept 17 1987.

Hallucinations of the Sane. Grand rounds, Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, Dec 16 1986.

Survey of Reported Contacts With the Dead. Annual Convention of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Washington, D. C. Nov 14 1986.

Does Geomagnetic Activity Effect ESP Performance? Annual convention ofthe American Psychological Association, Washington D. C., Aug 14 l986.

Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, North-Carolina, 
Oct. 7 1986.

Apparitions of the Dead: An Icelandic Survey. Southern California Society for Psychical Research. Los Angeles, Nov 18 1985.

The Psychic Personality. Psi Network of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, Nov 14 1985.

Perceptual Defensiveness and ESP Performance: A Review of Experiments in Iceland. Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, North Carolina, Oct 31 1985.

Religion and the Paranormal: An Icelandic American Comparison. Convention of Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, and Religious Research Association, Savannah, Georgia, Oct 25 1985.

Department of 
Psychiatry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, Oct 18 1985.

Personality Correlates of ESP Performance. Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Oct 8 1985.

Perceptual Defensiveness and ESP Performance: A Review of Experiments in Iceland. Department of Psychiatry. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Sept 27 1985.

Sai Baba and his Alleged Miracles. Conference of the New Frontiers Center, Madison, Wisconsin, Aug 23 1985.

The Defense Mechanism Test (DMT) as a Predictor of ESP Performance: Icelandic Experiments VI and VII. Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, Aug 15. 1985.

Rannsóknir á mismun drauma karla og kvenna. Nordic House, Reykjavik, April 29 1985.

Samband dulskynjunar og varnarhátta. Sálarrannsóknafélag Íslands, Reykjavik, Feb 7 1985.

Survey of Ostensible Contacts With the Dead. International Conference of the Societe de thanatologie, Paris, May 17 1984.

Skyggnilýsingatilraunir með Hafsteini Björnssyni og tveimur erlendum miðlum. Sálarrannsóknafélag Íslands, Reykjavik, Feb 2 1984.

The Enigmatic Sathya Sai Baba. American Society for Psychical Research, New York, Nov 3 1982.

Researches on the Indian Miracle-Man Sathya Sai Baba. McDonnell Laboratory for Psychical Research, Washington University, St. Louis, Oct 28 1982.

Psychic Phenomena and the General Public. Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia Medical School, Oct 26 1982.

Hvad de sa ved dödens terskel. Selskabet for parapsyckologisk forskning and Schibsted Forlag, Oslo, Aug 24 1982.

Retest Reliability of ESP and Sheep-Goat Scores. Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Trinity College, Cambridge, Aug 20 l982.

An Investigation of the Phenomena Associated With Sathya Sai Baba. Society for Psychical Research, London, May 15 1982.

Perceptual Defensiveness and ESP. Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, May 13 1982.

Psychic Phenomena in Iceland. Results of a survey. University of Edinburgh, at the invitation of the "Northern Scholars Committee", May 1982.

The Phenomena Around Sathya Sai Baba. Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, May 5 1982.

ESP and Defense Mechanisms. Queen Margeret College, Edinburgh, May 4 1982.

Personality, Belief and Psychic Phenomena. Bangalore University, Karnataka, India, Nov 13 1981.

Paranormal Investigations of an Indian Swami: Sri Sathya Sai Baba. International Congress of Parapsychology, Campione D'Italia, Switzerland, Nov 8 1981.

Psykisk forskning i Island. Selskabet for Psykisk Forskning, Copenhagen, Apr 26 1981.

Who Believes in Psychic Phenomena? Föreningen för parapsyckologisk forskning, Stockholm, Apr 24 l981.

Deathbed-Visions. Föreningen för Psykobiofysik, Stockholm, Apr 21 1981.

Rannsóknaraðferðir dulsálarfræðinnar. Psychological Society of Iceland, Reykjavik, Apr 8. 1981.

Nokkrar nýlegar tilraunir. Sálarrannsóknarfélag Hafnarfjarðar, Iceland, Mar 11 1981.

Determinants of Belief in Psychical Phenomena. Department of Psychology, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Oct 28 1980.

Dulsálfræðilegar rannsóknir á Indlandi. Sálarrannsóknarfélag Íslands, Reykjavik, Oct 9 1980.

Religion and Belief in Psychical Phenomena. Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Aug 15 l980.

Apparitions of the Dead. A Representative Survey in Iceland. Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Aug 14 1980.

ESP and the Defense Mechanism Test: A Case of Experimenter Effect. Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, St Mary's College, San Francisco, Aug 17 1979.

A Survey of Psychic Healing in Iceland. Third Annual International Society for Psychical Research Conference, University of Edinburgh, Apr 4 1979.

Deathbed-Visions. Department of Psychology, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Oct 10 1978.

Könnun á trúarviðhorfum Íslendinga. Guðspekifélagið, Reykjavik, Oct 6 1978.

Current Directions in European Parapsychology. Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Washington University, St. Louis, Aug 10 1978.

Study of Relaxation Techniques when Using Plethysmographic Recordings as Indicators of ESP. Annual convention of the Parapsychological Association, Washington University, St. Louis, Aug 9 1978.

Sýnir á dánarbeði. Sálarrannsóknarfélagi Skagafjarðar, Iceland, May 20 1977. Sálarrannsóknarfélagi Hafnarfjarðar, Iceland Apr 8 1978.

ESP and the Defense Mechanism Test: A Further Validation. Second International Society for Psychical Research Conference, Trinity College, Cambridge, Mar 28 1978.

Many lectures at conferences 1970 to 1977 but no record kept of them.



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