Gesa Dröge: Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski (ITK) – Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson (DBVs)


Bókakaflar (Chapters in Books)

Erlendur Haraldsson (2013). The question of appearance and reality.  In: Rosemarie Pilkington. Men and Women in Parapsychology, vol. 2.

Erlendur Haraldsson (2012). Cases of the Reincarnation Type and the Mind-Brain Relationship. In A. Moreira-Almeida and F. S. Santon (ed.). "Exploring the Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship". (pp. 215-231). New York: Springer.

Erlendur Haraldsson (2008). Of Indian God-Men and Miracle-Makers: The Case of Sathya Sai Baba. In (Ed.) H. Wautisch. Ontology of Consciousness: A Modern Synthesis. Boston: MIT Press, 525-548.

Erlendur Haraldsson (2007). East- and West-Europeans and their belief in Reincarnation and Life After Death. In: David Lorimer and Leszek Sosnowski (ed.): Towards a New Renaissance: Values, Spirituality and the Future. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press. 87-93.

Erlendur Haraldsson (2006). The case of Purnima Ekanayake.  In: Lance Storm & Michael A. Thalbourne: Survival : Essays on Life After Death. The survival of human consciousness. Jefferson, North Carolina: MacFarland.  194-205.

Erlendur Haraldsson  (2001).  Do Some Children Remember Fragments Of A Previous Life? In Lorimer, D. (Ed.). Thinking beyond the brain. London: Floris Books, 81-94.

Erlendur Haraldsson & Richard Wiseman (1997). Three further investigations of ostensible macro-PK in India. In R. Wiseman (Ed.): Deception and Self-Deception. Investigating psychics (pp. 199-214). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.

Erlendur Haraldsson & Richard Wiseman (1997).  Assessing film evidence of alleged trickery by Sathya Sai Baba. In R. Wiseman (Ed.): Deception and Self-Deception. Investigating psychics (pp. 183-197). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. (First published in Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1995, as "Reactions to and assessment of a videotape on Sathya Sai Baba".)

Richard Wiseman & Erlendur Haraldsson (1997). Investigating Macro-PK in India: Swami Premananda. In R. Wiseman (Ed.): Deception and Self-Deception. Investigating psychics (pp. 163-182). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. (First published in Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 1995.)  

Erlendur Haraldsson (1997).  Religion und empirische Parapsychologie  In A. Resch (Ed.) Paranormologie und Religion  (pp. 27-37).  Innsbruck:  Resch Verlag.

Erlendur Haraldsson (1995).  Reinkarnation.  In  G. L. Eberlein (Ed.) Kleine Lexikon der Parawissenschaften..  München:  C. H. Beckschen Verlagsbuchhandlung, 157-164.

Loftur R. Gissurarson & Erlendur Haraldsson (1995). Indridi Indridason. In Alexander Imich (Ed.) Incredible Tales of the Paranormal, 95-140.  New York: Bramble.

Erlendur Haraldsson. (1994).   Spiritual  healing in Iceland - results of a survey.  In H. Johannessen, L. Launsö, S. G. Olesen & F. Staugård (Eds.), Studies in alternative therapy 1 (pp. 103-113) Gylling, Denmark: Odense University Press.

Erlendur Haraldsson (1994).  Research on alternative therapies in Iceland.  In H. Johannessen, L. Launsö, S. G. Olesen & F. Staugård (Eds.), Studies in alternative therapy 1 (pp. 46-50) Gylling, Denmark: Odense University Press.

Loftur R. Gissurarson and Erlendur Haraldsson. (1993) Er líf eftir daudann?  In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.), Sálfræðibókin.  Reykjavik:  Mál og Menning,  878-886.

Loftur R. Gissurarson and Erlendur Haraldsson (1993). Rannsóknir á miðlum. In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.), Sálfræðibókin.  Reykjavik:  Mál og Menning, 865-871.

Erlendur Haraldsson (1993). Einstaklingamunur í dulsálfræ›i. In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.), Sálfræðibókin.  Reykjavik:  Mal og Menning,  852-857.

Loftur R. Gissurarson and Erlendur Haraldsson (1993). Dulsálfræði og hindurvitni. In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.) Sálfræðibókin.  Reykjavik:  Mál og Menning, 840-843.

Loftur R. Gissurarson and Erlendur Haraldsson (1993). Hvad er dulsálfræði?. In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.). Sálfræðibókin.  Reykjavik:  Mál og Menning, 831-839.

Erlendur Haraldsson (1992).  Erscheinungen von und Berichte über Begegnungen mit Verstorbenen.  Eine Analyse von 357 aktuellen Berichten.  In A. Resch (Ed.) Aspekte der Paranormologie. Die Welt des Aussergewöhnlichen.  (pp. 469-484).  Innsbruck:  Resch Verlag.  

Karlis Osis and Erlendur Haraldsson ( 1982). Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses: a cross-cultural survey. In C. Lundahl: Collection of Near-Death Research Readings. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 65-88.

Erlendur Haraldsson and Karlis Osis (1981). The Sai Baba Enigma. In Martin Ebon: Miracles. New York: Signet Book, New American Library, 174-185.

Karlis Osis and Erlendur Haraldsson (1978). Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses: a cross-cultural survey. The Signet Handbook of Parapsychology, New York: New American Library, 286 312. (Reprinted from Journal of the ASPR 1977.)

Original chapters in edited books

Books by Erlendur


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Prof. Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson 
Professor emeritus 

*3.11.1931     †22.11.2020


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